Page 1 of Packard Bell 5.1 Home Theatre System - anyone had one delivered recently?

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Packard Bell 5.1 Home Theatre System - anyone had one delivered recently?

kingkev (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 27th January 2004, 16:01

I ordered a Packard Bell 5.1 Digital Theatre kit from the PC World web site on the 1 January. .Despite numerous telephone calls to their help desk (which took on average 10 minutes to answer) the product did not arrive until the 26 January.

The products packaging clearly states that the processor contains DTS, as well as Dolby Digital 5.1 and Pro Logic. To my surprise on opening the packaging despite the remote controller having a DTS button the actual processing unit, where the DTS switch should be, contains a Bypass switch, that cuts the sound to the front two speakers only (clearly the opposite of DTS). :(

I contacted the help desk (and they eventually put me through to one of their stores (Portsmouth). They opened one of the box`s they had in stock and confirmed that their unit did not have the DTS labelled either, despite the packaging clearly stating in very large highlighted letters that it should. They stated that if I wasn`t happy then I should drive to their store (at my expense) and get a refund - or set up the whole speaker package myself and through an optical connection check that the Bypass switch hadn`t merely been mislabelled. Apparently in the whole of the PC World store they had not mechanism for testing it themselves!! >:(

Anyone else got a system that says its got DTS when if fact it hasn`t?

This item was edited on Tuesday, 27th January 2004, 16:01

RE: Packard Bell 5.1 Home Theatre System - anyone had one delivered recently?

bigfan (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 27th January 2004, 17:12

The chances are the unit supports DTS, especially if it says on the remote.

Give it a try. If it definitely doesn`t support DTS then you are well within your rights to take it back. If you write to head office to claim the travelling costs back they`ll probably give you that too.

If it does work, post back on here to let me know what it`s like as I was intruiged by those packages!

Most fools think they are only ignorant

RE: Packard Bell 5.1 Home Theatre System - anyone had one delivered recently?

kingkev (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 27th January 2004, 17:27

IF it does work will post a review.

I am more sceptical than you though..............I will be very surprisd if it works......

Will post you an update by the weekend.

RE: Packard Bell 5.1 Home Theatre System - anyone had one delivered recently?

kingkev (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 28th January 2004, 11:16

Well I take it all back it did work.

A quick summary of what I found (its snowing in London by the way!)

The components were very sturdy and well made. Instrucitons clear and all the bits were present. Adequate cabelling was included and also speaker stands. Subwoofer quite substantive.

Connected it all up and played the new film Pirates of the Caribbean on DTS. Worked a treat on the loud sections, very good performance for what is a PC system. Seperation was good and bass and treble adequate. The tried it on the Matrix on 5.1 and similar results were found. The processor automatically selected the right programme.

Overall very good. But, and a big but, the system sadly did not perform so well on the quieter sections of the film. There was an audible buzzing through the speakers on speaking sections that only went away by turning the bass on the speakers right down. Sadly, this had the effect of also turing down the narrative so you could only hear the background noises!

I think this problem reading other reviews of cheaper systems is endemic and sadly meant that I am now packaging up the system and taking it back (although I might give it one more try with an optical connection [was using cheap coaxal lead]. Which is a real shame because the overall build quality and what you get for your money kit wise is excellent.

So back to the joys of PC World.

RE: Packard Bell 5.1 Home Theatre System - anyone had one delivered recently?

bigfan (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 28th January 2004, 11:21

Cheers for review.

It sounds like it`s a bog standard system that can`t handle the precise detail of something more expensive - to be expected I suppose.

There`s a Sony system with tiny little speakers that`s been getting good reviews and I think it`s about £200. BABE is it called? Certainly not a room shaker but you`ll get a bit more precision out of it if you`re still looking for a system.

Most fools think they are only ignorant

RE: Packard Bell 5.1 Home Theatre System - anyone had one delivered recently?

HP5.1 (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 31st January 2004, 19:10

Hi I just bought the packard bell set up,

Firstly the box contained a remote with dts button and an addendum to the instructions so I guess they have worked their mistake out now.

I used the optical connection - great sound as you say but the speech was indeed weak. I cured this big time by replacing the central speaker with a Hi-Fi B&W 250 speaker - remarkable change.

RE: Packard Bell 5.1 Home Theatre System - anyone had one delivered recently?

borut (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 25th February 2004, 02:56

And I was trying to get it to work on ON & OFF basis for month and actually taught I'm the one setting the system wrong as instructions proved to be absolutely useless!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks guys. Does any one know a good site where system is better explained or how to set it up and who actually built it? Or is it just another one of PB licence buy's

yup gotta be stupid

RE: Packard Bell 5.1 Home Theatre System - anyone had one delivered recently?

JakeDM (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 12th May 2004, 20:38

Anyone heard any more about this system - My decoder is beginning to go after a just over a year (typical). The subwoofer still appears fine and the satellite speakers are fantastic (look just like the Bose 5.1 Surround 2 part speakers - although most probably a cheap copy !) But I`m needing a new decoder.

Can anyone suggest a cheap alternative ??

RE: Packard Bell 5.1 Home Theatre System - anyone had one delivered recently?

Joe Wellham (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 11th June 2004, 19:13

I just picked up this speaker set for £15 (ex display) at my local Dixons as they are closing down (they are closing 106 nationwide). I`ve connected it to my PC`s sond card via the optical out and it sound great with DVDs. As mentioned there is constant slight buz/hum from the speakers only audible when everything is silent, the noise easily cancelled out by my PC fans. The whole set up provides a decent level of undistorted sound and the front speakers are heavy, well made and have proper speaker cable posts. This kit had been £59 and even at that price I think it is a serious bargain. Check out your local Dixons and see if they are giving them away too!

RE: Packard Bell 5.1 Home Theatre System - anyone had one delivered recently?

Wojciech (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 6th July 2004, 06:54

I have just received as a gift same Packard Bell set. I have connected to my Marantz Dv3100 player. To get DTS sound I had to switch from Digital/PCM to Stream/PCM in dvd player menu, than on Packard Bell display DTS mark has appear. Of course in movie menu I also have chosen DTS audio.
Greetings from Poland

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