Page 1 of SC2000 Bright Colour Smearing

Hardware Forum

SC2000 Bright Colour Smearing

NiVZ (Competent) posted this on Monday, 19th February 2001, 16:08

Okay, I`ve tried just about everything I can think of to get rid of this and still no success.

The picture is fine in Composite Mode (or as fine as it can be), but in RGB mode the bright colours are smearing to the right slightly.

I have the SC2000 plugged straight into the Scart socket of a Phillips 15" TV.

I do notice that when changing between Composite and RGB modes the picture shifts slightly to the left. I know this is normal, but could this have anything to do with it?

Any positive help much appreciated.

ie (No Bear comments please)


P.S I bet he still won`t be able to help himself.

RE: SC2000 Bright Colour Smearing

xeno (Competent) posted this on Monday, 19th February 2001, 20:19


I have studied every scan i have had closely and i have never noticed anything like what you have described.

Remind me -did it arrive with this problem or did it start after upgrade?(if so which upgrade).

Have you tried it using svhs? or tried it through rgb on a different telly?

I too have been wondering where nelley is -it worries me that he does not seem to post anymore as he and wesley are the only ones that seem to
get results with problem machines.

I would try your scan with a different tv -if this fails it may be time to bite the bullet and ask for a drop and pick-i cant see nelley having any problem with this as you and i have taken alot of time to look into problems for people concerning the player in the past-(and virtually have been beta testers for firmware).


up the irons!!!

RE: SC2000 Bright Colour Smearing

hdubois (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 19th February 2001, 20:50

In the video setup menu try "MULTI" instead of PAL or NTSC.
and for scart use always : RGB

RE: SC2000 Bright Colour Smearing

bear (Elite) posted this on Monday, 19th February 2001, 21:36

Luck ba*st*rd you,at least you got some colour.

RE: SC2000 Bright Colour Smearing

NiVZ (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 20th February 2001, 07:55

I tried every setting mentioned above. However I hooked it up to my brother`s Sony Trinitron using Scart (RGB) and the picture appears excellent so far. I notice that the Philips TV has some auto features for correcting contrast, so I`ll have to play around with these.

I`m just glad that the problem is the TV and not the player.

I`ll post anything more I find out.


Bear - You watch DVD`s in Black and White?!?!?! Try using COMPOSITE mode or get a RGB capable TV. YA MOOK!

RE: SC2000 Bright Colour Smearing

bear (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 20th February 2001, 13:19

Sony greatness enables s*** scan to work........yep sounds right to me!

RE: SC2000 Bright Colour Smearing

NiVZ (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 20th February 2001, 14:12

Oh dear Bear check your banter. Thankfully I`ve now solved the problem and my amazing Scan SC-2000 will now work flawlessly on any TV.

The problem with the philips TV was with the brightness control (I know this sounds basic), but TV images and Video images all looked fine the way the TV was. However DVD images had the White (or bright colours) streaking to the right (must be the direction the electrons are pulled).

Anyways I`ve turned the brightness down on the TV from 37 to 30 and viola. My SC-2000 now gives an excellent picture, plays DVD`s, CDA, CD-R, CD-RW, MP3`s, VCD, SVCD. JOY!!! Plugged the L + R outputs into the AUX of my Kenwood Hi-Fi and now get lovely Dolby 5.1 Surround as well through two Mordaunt shorts.

SCAN ROCKS!!!!! (Ooooh controversial =o) )

What does your expensive Sony do Bear? And you don`t even have an RGB telly....all together now.......Awwwwwwwww ;-)


RE: SC2000 Bright Colour Smearing

xeno (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 20th February 2001, 14:39

Thats good news NIVZ -glad to hear it is sorted.

Any more word on 2.14 affecting svcd playback???

Is the scan a great player?

Does a bear s*** in the woods?(or just on this forum)

up the irons!!!

RE: SC2000 Bright Colour Smearing

bear (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 20th February 2001, 16:16

What does your expensive Sony do Bear? And you don`t even have an RGB telly....all together now.......Awwwwwwwww ;-)

Well it plays DVDs with no problems, never has to be sent back, never gives any trouble , thats what it does scanboy.

Does a bear s*** in the woods?(or just on this forum)

What ever he does with s*** at least he doesn`t buy it.

RE: SC2000 Bright Colour Smearing

xeno (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 20th February 2001, 16:24

Now thats not strictly true bear


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