Page 1 of Sony RDR-GX3 - Which Discs to use

Hardware Forum

Sony RDR-GX3 - Which Discs to use

Arsene (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 7th January 2004, 21:21


Just bought a Sony RDR-GX3 but am having a few problems with which re-writable discs to purchase. I have tried a cheap Datawrite -RW on it but had quite bad skipping problems on the playback. Admittedly the disc is pretty old and the surface appears to have a few minor scratches on it.

Seeing as though I have spent £350 on the recorder I suppose I should get some decent discs. So I would be grateful for any advice.


RE: Sony RDR-GX3 - Which Discs to use

Steve Digi (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 9th January 2004, 12:15


Like you I have just purchased a GX3. I bought a batch of Hewlett Packard discs from PC world which were fine. I have also had success with Verbatim & Richo.

I find it frustrating that the Sony will only allow you to edit -RW discs and not +RW as the latter are more compatible with other players.

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