Page 1 of Any suggestions please.

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Any suggestions please.

daveo (Competent) posted this on Friday, 9th February 2001, 16:25

Owing to the sad news posted in my previous "Please Mr. Dabs, are we nearly there yet" that dabs will not be getting any more LG3350e`s in until 31st March(!) I want `sensible` solutions to the problem. I want A player that:
Can be multi region + RCE compliant
Plays MP3
On board 5.1 (perhaps)
Has 2 Scart sockets
I can buy on the internet within the next few weeks.
Be around £200. (max £250)

I know that I am leaving myself wide open to all the Scan et al. suggestions, but I don`t care.

Thanks, I know you will all do your very best!

RE: Any suggestions please.

londonbabe (Competent) posted this on Friday, 9th February 2001, 16:32

Well my mate who works for amazon got a cheap Encore and it looks pretty funky. he`s very pleased with it as well.

And (you knew it would happen) my Scan is a good player but doesn`t have 5.1 outs.

RE: Any suggestions please.

Gary W (Competent) posted this on Friday, 9th February 2001, 17:08

The Scan would not be suitable. For one thing, it is not expensive enough and another, you would waste a lot of the unused features such as Maco disable.

RE: Any suggestions please.

erectionthatcouldcausearmageddon (Competent) posted this on Friday, 9th February 2001, 17:12

my local Blockbuster Video is selling LG`s - I dont know if it`s the model you`re after but I thought you might like to know!

RE: Any suggestions please.

daveo (Competent) posted this on Friday, 9th February 2001, 17:15

Alright, alright. Get down off of your high horse and calm yourself down. I have come in to this with an open mind. Of course I would love to copy DVDs to VHS, but it is not essential! Also, being a cheapskate I want to spend as little money as possible.

What about this encore 450 (don`t laugh)?

RE: Any suggestions please.

bear (Elite) posted this on Friday, 9th February 2001, 18:03

Well look up the Medion from Aldi on the hardware threads, it has a good rep and has more connections than a politician on the take.

Also they are selling them at a £100.00 in some stores (they were £129.00 ) and they have 5.1 and play mp3s + loads of other features!

RE: Any suggestions please.

clayts (Elite) posted this on Friday, 9th February 2001, 23:15

Whaddya mean Encore 450 (don`t laugh...)

Actually, you`ll be pushed to find one. And it doesn`t `quite` meet your specs (only one SCART).

Check out for the lowdown

RE: Any suggestions please.

daveo (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 10th February 2001, 13:05

I don`t like the look of the list of discs the Encore won`t play. They are all the films I would have brought!

Has anyone made a site like that for the Scan?

RE: Any suggestions please.

John Hodson (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 10th February 2001, 13:18

There was a chap on (called Garbage Guy) who said:

>>I`m now waiting for an LG3350E from ..wait for it..Studio Cards £229<<

Now what or where Studio Cards is I know not...and of course the Currys website still the LG on offer for £249.99; but Currys - duh!

RE: Any suggestions please.

TimSmith (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 10th February 2001, 19:57

I got my 3350 from last year (Dabs were out of stock then as well). Next day delivery for 226.00.

Studio Cards are on 08706 01 11 22, or Doesn`t look like the website allows browsing though, so a bit of a waste of time going there unless you`ve already got a catalogue.

This item was edited on Sunday, 11th February 2001, 09:17

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