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Hardware Forum

Lecson and CD playback

LanceM (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 7th February 2001, 16:56

Anyone else having problems with audio CD playback?

I have the left and right front audio outputs linked to my amp and speakers.

I`ve tried several CD`s (standard bought audio CD`s) and the audio sounds like it has been sent through a Wurlitzer. The volume goes louder and softer (and not in both speakers at the same time - quite nauseous!).

I haven`t tried MP3 yet - I`ll give that a go tomorrow.

I know the reviews said that the sound was not up to that of a dedicated player, but I was expecting a lack of depth or clarity - I`m not the audiophile I used to be so I didn`t mind. But this is not listenable.

I`m going to give the Debenhams Help Line a call. but if it is anything like most of the hell-lines I`ve come across in the past ....

If anyone has any ideas, suggestions.


RE: Lecson and CD playback

Kevin Bryant (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 7th February 2001, 22:00

I don`t own/know the Lecson, but does it have any `3D virtual surround` type modes on it, if so, turn them off...they always cause `fun` to delicate ears!

RE: Lecson and CD playback

LanceM (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 9th February 2001, 23:47

OK, hate to answer my own message but I found it - it wasn`t the 3D virtual surround (that was off) but it was that I had ANALOG 6 CH output selected. I wanted this so that I could output the Speach and Sub to my main amp and get a cleaner/clearer sound.

But with an Audio CD it gave this effect. Switching back to ANALOG 2 CH sorted it out. The Audio is not perfect, but it is perfectly adequate.


-> Lance

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