This question will reveal i have an ancient TV, but nevermind.
Is it possible to connect a dvd player when i don`t have a scart socket on my TV?
I do however have one on my video though.
Yes it is, but you might have a problem with MacroVision.
Heres how I have mine setup.
DVD --- SCART ---> Video --- RF Cable ---> TV.
Now put your TV onto your Video channel as normal, and selevt the AV channel on your Video.
Macrovision stops DVD`s being copied to Video. I have no problem playing DVD`s through my video, but as soon as I press record the Macrovision kicks in.
However, on another video the Macrovision is always enabled, whether you are just watching the DVD or trying to record.
Depends on the video I think.
Hope this helps,
Thanks. That helps loads with the set-up.
In the 2nd circumstance, you say macrovision is always enabled. This prevents copying, are you saying it also stops you watching?