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Hardware Forum

Playing Enhanced CD videos

Jefferson Haliday (Competent) posted this on Friday, 26th September 2003, 17:11

Over the last few years I have noticed that some CD singles have enhanced videos that can be played on PC`s the quality has also improved too. What I want to know is Is there any DVD player or other player on the market that can play them on my TV?

RE: Playing Enhanced CD videos

nice1 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 26th September 2003, 20:06

There are quite a few machines around now that`ll play mpeg files. Some CDs contain these so should play on them.
However looking through my own CD collection most of the enhanced ones (ie those with bonus videos) have the video files encoded as Quicktime files and I`m not aware of any DVD players that can play these directly.
That`s not to say there aren`t any though.


RE: Playing Enhanced CD videos

MicoMan (Elite) posted this on Friday, 26th September 2003, 22:37

They wont directly play on any DVD player as it will always see them as an Audio CD.

As was said they have mostly videos in the QuickTime MOV format and cant be played on a DVD player without convertion.

You can get them to play on all DVD players that play VCD by using the below free program

RE: Playing Enhanced CD videos

steve watson (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 27th September 2003, 08:21

Funny you should start this thread ... was busy catalogging my cd collection the other day and decided to copy all of the videos from various cd singles ... created a svcd using nero which had a nice menu and preview of the videos on a menu screen !! go on give it a go

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