Page 1 of Aiwa 370 - Audio CD playback seems loud??

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Aiwa 370 - Audio CD playback seems loud??

Robin R (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 25th January 2001, 16:42

I recently purchased an Aiwa XD-DV370 DVD player in the USA. DVD video/audio playback is great! However, my CD audio playback seems loud... over-driven, actually to the point of distortion.

If I set the volume on my TV to a nominal level while watching a DVD (or while using the TV tuner itself), and then switch to a CD, the volume level of the CD output is significantly higher. It actually causes my TVs audio to clip! Also, CD audio seems to drop out from time to time.

Has anyone else experienced these problem?

Thanks, Robin.

RE: Aiwa 370 - Audio CD playback seems loud??

Shaun (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 25th January 2001, 17:08

this is probably because the sound level of a dvd is different than other inputs such as tv, cd audio etc.

"Movie soundtracks are extremely dynamic in nature, ranging from near silences to very loud bangs :-). In order to support an increased dynamic range and hit the peaks as was originally intended without distortion, the average sound level must far lower then most other equipment. This is why the line volume from DVD players is substantially lower than almost any other home cinema source such as a Video or CD Player."
... as quoted from the faq

the simple answer is turn your tv down when switching from dvd to tv or cd audio.

Hope this helps

Aiwa 370 Rocks!!!

Yammie A5 BOOMS !!!


RE: Aiwa 370 - Audio CD playback seems loud??

Robin R (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 25th January 2001, 17:23

Thanks for the response. I should have mentioned that the volume level for the same audio discs played through a conventional CD player using the same audio input on the TV matches the nominal volume of the TV (in other words, everything else being the same, CDs are not loud when played through a conventional CD player).

It seems like a short-coming of the Aiwa 370 if the audio level difference you speak of was not compensated for in the design of the player.

Thanks again for your response, Robin.

RE: Aiwa 370 - Audio CD playback seems loud??

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 25th January 2001, 20:51

>"It seems like a short-coming of the Aiwa 370 if the audio level difference you speak of was not compensated for in the design of the player."

You`ve lost me here...all DVD players have what seems higher volume on CD and MP3 (if they have MP3 capability), but it is, in actual fact, the DISC that has the volume encoded.

I can`t see why you call this a shortcoming?
And have you tried it as a CD player on your hifi setup?

AIWA 370 (officially) ROCKS!!!!!!!

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