Page 1 of Problems Playing Copied DVDs on Wharfedale 750S

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Problems Playing Copied DVDs on Wharfedale 750S

Billy88 (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 5th August 2003, 13:50

Hi there,

I`m a bit new to all this, so please bear with me if I`m a little ignorant, but I could do with some help with problems I`m having playing copied DVDs on my Wharfedale 750S.

I recently got myself a DVD writer (NEC ND-1300A OEM) for the computer and some UNBRANDED 4X RITEK DVD-R disks to burn onto. Having burned a couple of DVDs and tried playing them on my DVD player it just gives me a "bad disk" message and won`t play it.

Having checked by playing them on both my computer and my brothers Sony DVD player, there seems to be no problem with the disks as they work fine on both of them. So I assume that my DVD player does not like the disk. I have done a search for the Wharfedale 750S and it seems that some people have no problem playing copied DVDs, while some people can`t play them. I have heard that it doesn`t like disks that are only partially full, this is not the case here as both disks are very nearly full up.

So, where do you think the problem is? Is it the disk itself that the player doesn`t like(should I try using DVD+R disks, or maybe a different disk maufacturer), or is it that my player simply won`t play recorded DVDs? Obviously, I`m hoping that it`s the first option as I`m not too keen on having to buy a new DVD player!!!

Anyway, hopefully someone can help me, and I appreciate any advice you can give me.


RE: Problems Playing Copied DVDs on Wharfedale 750S

SHEPPY124 (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 5th August 2003, 14:20

Looks like you have gone down the right route, probably the disk manufacter or burning software settings but heres a few steps you can try.

1. burning software problem (Probably) search for guides on nero/recordnow and settings. If that doesnt work set 2. if not using nero or recordnow they are a must.
2. doesnt like the discs (buy sample pack to cut down expense) if that doesnt work
4. Update player as 750 getting on abit old now

hope this helps


RE: Problems Playing Copied DVDs on Wharfedale 750S

Mike Osborne (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 5th August 2003, 14:41

I think you will find you need to update the Wharfedale DVD player. I too had a 750s and could not get it to recognise DVDs made using DVD-R media although they all worked fine on the PC and more modern DVD players from Pacific, Panasonic, Toshiba and Dansai. In the end I purchased a Toshiba 330E from Amazon (multiregion enabled and currently £79.99 including free delivery) - an absolute bargain and itseems to play everything!

RE: Problems Playing Copied DVDs on Wharfedale 750S

phelings (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 5th August 2003, 22:06

The Wharfedale has a history of not playing many discs,not just copied ones.I can vouch for the fact it will not play +R either.Cut your losses and get a different player

RE: Problems Playing Copied DVDs on Wharfedale 750S

Billy88 (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 5th August 2003, 22:46

Thanks for the replies.

It seems that all fingers are pointing to the DVD player then!!!! I`ve tried using a few different burning software packages (including nero, as suggested) and still no joy. And I was just about to order some DVD+R disks to give them a try until phelings mentioned that they don`t work either (cheers - saved me some more wasted money!!).

So, looks like a new player then!!

Any more advice anyone can give that might save me from having to buy a new one would be appreciated.


RE: Problems Playing Copied DVDs on Wharfedale 750S

Oscar Wallace (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 6th August 2003, 00:27

I use a Wharfdale 750s and certain people are always lending me stuff to watch on home brewed DVDs, some play fine and others don`t or freeze alot, people with different makes of machine also have this problem ( tried them in a Philips/Panasonic and a Sony) so just because you buy a different machine does not mean you won`t have problems.
I have never had a problem playing any brought DVD`s whatever region it`s been, and would never sell my 750`s simply because it been faultless for the 2 plus years I have owned it.

PS See what I mean.

Oscar Wallace.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 6th August 2003, 01:31

RE: Problems Playing Copied DVDs on Wharfedale 750S

phelings (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 6th August 2003, 22:31

I can only assume you haven`t used many discs.Check out the "Bug report" on another forum and the list of problem discs for the Wharfedale was endless,I never reached the end of it anyway.
If you want a budget player that plays -R,+R,+RW look at the Tesco Dansai range.Only about £60 .If you can stretch to £100,go for a Pioneer-their latest range is pretty much compatible with everything(not DVDRAM of course)

RE: Problems Playing Copied DVDs on Wharfedale 750S

Oscar Wallace (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 6th August 2003, 23:54

What other forum, like I said Every thing from Region 0 to 4 SVCD VCD and plenty of them, and I`m talking the 750s not the 750.

Oscar Wallace

RE: Problems Playing Copied DVDs on Wharfedale 750S

phelings (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 7th August 2003, 20:43

I must admit I do not make the distinction between the 3 Wharfedales,so the forum could be on about the first model.Did version 3 really sort out the hundreds of problem discs?Can it really play The Matrix properly?

RE: Problems Playing Copied DVDs on Wharfedale 750S

Oscar Wallace (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 7th August 2003, 22:30

Can it really play The Matrix properly?

Yep no probs!

Osar Wallace.

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