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DVD player query

sav15 (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 3rd July 2003, 11:44


Can someone please help, for example are there any uk multiregion players that can playback ntsc(60hertz) based dvd on a normal uk pal tv (50 herts) ?.


Miss Sav.

RE: DVD player query

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 3rd July 2003, 12:46

Yes, there are quite a few - many of the supermarket cheapies are capable of this, e.g. the Pacific 1002 from Asda, and most of the Cyberhome units. Older Samsung players (709, M105 etc.) can do this too. Do you have any particular player in mind?

Bear in mind that most `normal` UK TVs are in fact 60Hz-compatible, and this has been true for over a decade now. You generally only need 50Hz playback if you have a very old TV, or if you want to `back up` (cough cough) your NTSC DVDs to PAL VHS.


RE: DVD player query

sav15 (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 3rd July 2003, 13:51

ta for that. i got this bush tv in the bedroom (not the best brand in the world, i know). it appears to only support 50herts for some strange reason, 60 herts comes up black and white. i am not sure what one to get, want a spend around 50-60. i heard of this Cyberhome 400 from safeway, is that recommend and can it support ntsc60>pal50 output?

thanks, s.

RE: DVD player query

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 3rd July 2003, 17:23

it appears to only support 50herts for some strange reason, 60 herts comes up black and white.

If you get a stable picture (i.e. the image is steady, not shaking/rolling) then your TV does support 60Hz.

Black and white means that your TV can`t handle a NTSC colour signal, which is something completely different - using a RGB SCART connection (if available) will eliminate this problem. Alternatively, get a player which outputs PAL 60 from NTSC discs - most of them do.

Is the Cyberhome 400 the very small one? I don`t know much about that player, but I`m sure someone else will chip in.


RE: DVD player query

phelings (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 3rd July 2003, 20:56

The latest CYBERHOME review I saw said it was prone to blocky breakup more than other players.Tesco`s Dansai range do PAL50 and there appear to be no problems.Its multiregion hack is easy,they play DVD+R/DVD-R and offer RGB aswell.They were £60 with 3 free discs a while ago.

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