Page 1 of Goodmans F28WTF Service Menu?

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Goodmans F28WTF Service Menu?

Evil Disco Guy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 19th June 2003, 22:51

It`s not the best TV in the world (far from it) but PQ-wise it`s okay for the price we paid; the main problem I have is the horrid overscan the TV has. I wish I was joking but there must be upto 40% being taken off on the left side because it`s cutting off a lot of information, especially during credits. There`s also about 20% being taken off the top and bottom, I`ve seen plenty of situations where people`s heads have been cut off when they`re clearly there on the PC or my older TV.

I`m not zoomed in or anything, before anyone says it, it`s just ghastly. I`ve searched around but can`t find any way of getting a service menu or anything. If there isn`t I`m going to chuck the TV out of the window and say it was stolen...

This item was edited on Friday, 20th June 2003, 04:03

RE: Goodmans F28WTF Service Menu?

Evil Disco Guy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 21st June 2003, 20:48

I`ll take this as a no then shall I?

Does anyone know of a site where I could ask and have a better chance of getting an answer?

RE: Goodmans F28WTF Service Menu?

Evil Disco Guy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 1st July 2003, 02:19

Still can`t seem to find anything...

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