Page 1 of Best macine for all singing and Dancing picture under £150.

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Best macine for all singing and Dancing picture under £150.

moorsman (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 29th May 2003, 21:00

Hi bought a pacific that was great but noisey, then bought a Mico 3000 that has a softish picture and a bit dark especially RGB so after a machine with a really spot on crystal clear and bright in your face spot on picture.Probably aproper make.
That plays 1-6, DVd-rs and Kodak phot cds would be a bonus.
Thanks, Mark.

RE: Best macine for all singing and Dancing picture under £150.

Atman (Competent) posted this on Monday, 2nd June 2003, 17:27

Ive said it b4 ill say it again man ive had no problem with my Cyberhome, you can pick up a latest model for around £70 from Wh Smith know, does everything region hackable and RCE compliant too.

Hopes this helps, if you want any further info search the archioves for Cyberhome discussions on previous threads

I have had my Cyberhome for around 4 years now no probs

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