Page 1 of Aiwa DV370 bought today from Comet!!!!!

Hardware Forum

Aiwa DV370 bought today from Comet!!!!!

Mcgyver (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 12th January 2001, 16:47

After owning 3 Albas over 10 days and understandably finding them very poor indeed, I took the advice of many people in this forum and managed to find a Comet with an Aiwa. As you all well know they are not in stock and probably won`t be for a while yet, if ever. So I see this one on the display shelf, ask if they have any in stock, No, then ask if I can have the one on the shelf, OK but it doesn`t come with a box, and they`ll only knock £20 off. A minute later I`d paid for it, full guarantee, £20 richer and came home, hurrah. And yes it is a very good player, and thanks for suggesting it.

Hope this might help others get lucky, after all if they are not getting any others in, why keep them on the shelves?

RE: Aiwa DV370 bought today from Comet!!!!!

orac (Competent) posted this on Friday, 12th January 2001, 16:56

well done

I did the same thing after a lot of hassle from Comet.

Comet are unbelievable! Some stores will sell you display models, some won`t. Some stores say the AIWA is end of line, others don`t.

RE: Aiwa DV370 bought today from Comet!!!!!

Poncho (Competent) posted this on Friday, 12th January 2001, 21:17

Congregation Of Masturbating Electrical Tinkers

No offence to tinkers meant.

This item was edited on Friday, 12nd January 2001, 21:18

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