Page 1 of How can i get dts sound from my Panasonic E30

Hardware Forum

How can i get dts sound from my Panasonic E30

jools 2001 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 29th March 2003, 17:54

Whenever i try and play the DTS soundtrack on my panny e30
i dont get any sound at all.
Is there a fault with the unit,
or does the panny need to be connected to a
suitable DTS amp to work correctly?
I just asumed that the Panny had a built in DTS decoder.
Its being used with Toshiba 28 inch w/screen DAolby Pro Logic tv.

RE: How can i get dts sound from my Panasonic E30

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 29th March 2003, 18:10

the best you will get is dolby pro-logic
the panny does support dts but you do need the correct amp/speakers

RE: How can i get dts sound from my Panasonic E30

Occean (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 29th March 2003, 18:11

My guess looking at it`s specs is that it had a DTS digital out only - therefore yes you would need a DTS decoder (AV amp usually) seperatly. It is not a fault as there is nothing decoding the DTS sigital stream from your DVD player.

At the moment with the setup you have you would only be decoding a proc logic soundtrack from the audio output from the dvd player.

If you are thinking of getting a revier just ask if you need advice

RE: How can i get dts sound from my Panasonic E30

jools 2001 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 29th March 2003, 18:20

thanks both for replies,
at least i now know its not faulty :-)


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