Page 1 of Currys - Philips 28PW6506 and DVDR880 package......good deal?

Hardware Forum

Currys - Philips 28PW6506 and DVDR880 package......good deal?

Uzeless (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 12th March 2003, 19:18

Can anyone tell me if they think the Philips 28PW6506 and DVDR880 package in currys for £690 is a good deal or are they just trying to get rid of bad rubbish? I`ve read that Philips TV`s are giving some people headaches and their DVD Recorders have problems too. Maybe these problems have been sorted out?
What do you guys think?
Thanks in advance.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 12th March 2003, 20:57

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