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How easy is it to copy my dvd,s from dvd player to Panasonic e30 recorder ?

jools 2001 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 2nd February 2003, 23:04

I have a stand alone panasonic e30 dvd multi-region recorder.
can anyone please help me out with this query?

If i were to buy a multi region dvd player
can i copy from this player to my e30 onto dvd.r disks.

purely as back up of my original dvd,s (I dont do illegal things!!!!!!! )

Or am i likely to run into the macrovision problem?

just want to know before i go and buy a cheapie dvd
from Asda or Safeway etc,(IE) Pacific 1002
or if i need to by a special lead as well to disable macro
any help greatly appreciated


jools 2001

RE: How easy is it to copy my dvd,s from dvd player to Panasonic e30 recorder ?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 2nd February 2003, 23:39

Macrovision is not relevant, CGMS/A is.

See Mike`s explanation here :

This item was edited on Sunday, 2nd February 2003, 23:40

RE: How easy is it to copy my dvd,s from dvd player to Panasonic e30 recorder ?

zipman (Competent) posted this on Monday, 3rd February 2003, 07:40

You WILL need a macrovision free dvd player and scart it to your Panasonic. When you buy a chipped multi region they usually rip out the macrovision, this will not work on handset hacks, although you may be able to find codes somewhere, depending on machine.

The above link, I believe, is only for CGMS analogue signal which DVD doesn`t send, only VHS.

I have a macro free Pioneer DVD player and can make perfect DVD copies on my Phillips 880 Recorder. Crystal clear discs, but remember it cannot copy the 5.1 soundtrack, only stereo digital.

The only problems I had was trying to copy pre-rec VHS onto disc, like Star Wars. This came up with the copy protect signal. But that will be due to the tape / VCR.

But DVD to DVD. Perfect Copies.

Hope this helps.

This item was edited on Monday, 3rd February 2003, 18:07

RE: How easy is it to copy my dvd,s from dvd player to Panasonic e30 recorder ?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Monday, 3rd February 2003, 18:13

Sort of right. What you will be getting is a digital to analog to digital copy of DVDs, as opposed to a direct digital to digital copy which is what you get when CGMS/A is bypassed (I think !).

Where`s Mike G when you need him ?!

RE: How easy is it to copy my dvd,s from dvd player to Panasonic e30 recorder ?

zipman (Competent) posted this on Monday, 3rd February 2003, 18:20

The term MACROVISION is a trade name for the Macrovision corporation.

The copy protect signal is "authored" in to the disc or tape on manufacture. Macro free is a general term for that just simply means these Macrovision and CGMS/Analogue and CGMS/Digital signals are bypassed when the record function is triggered.

Check and for the definitive guide to copyright protection methods.

This item was edited on Monday, 3rd February 2003, 20:24

RE: How easy is it to copy my dvd,s from dvd player to Panasonic e30 recorder ?

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Monday, 3rd February 2003, 20:23

I *think* CGMS/A is output by DVD players as well - I`m not 100% sure. It would make sense, though, based on what I`ve read about it.

I suspect that CGMS is tied to the Macrovision functionality of the player, such that:

1) A DVD disc which is "flagged" to enable Macrovision will also enable CGMS.

2) A player with Macrovision disabled internally will also have CGMS disabled. (This would explain how Zipman was able to copy his DVDs.)


RE: How easy is it to copy my dvd,s from dvd player to Panasonic e30 recorder ?

zipman (Competent) posted this on Monday, 3rd February 2003, 20:30

Hi, Mike G

I think we are getting near agreement that Macrovision and CGMS A/D are tied together and that all copyright is lost when one has been disabled. Not being an expert I couldn`t stake my life on it, but this is how I interpret my findings.

RE: How easy is it to copy my dvd,s from dvd player to Panasonic e30 recorder ?

jools 2001 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 3rd February 2003, 20:53

Success at last in copying DVD
purchased the pacific 1002 from Asda @£69.74p
connected up leads set(from Asda, only £7 ish )

managed to make perfect copy of Vampires Los Muertos
onto Dvd Ram using Panasonic e30.
Havent tried it yet with recording onto dvd,r,
but not too worried as the ram discs only cost £3 each anyway

Thought i try my Total Recall version 1,
but machine wouldnt play it,
entered in the hack found on the web via remote
plays that as well now.

Well chuffed
Not sure if i will be this lucky with all the dvds,
but sure is a good start,
considering Asda also throw in a 3 year warranty as well


jools 2001


thanks to everyone who took the time to reply with advice
very much appreciated :-)))

RE: How easy is it to copy my dvd,s from dvd player to Panasonic e30 recorder ?

zipman (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 12th February 2003, 23:10

Hi Jools

Re : Your e-mail. My account keeps buggering up so i`ll send from here.

I think you have stumbled onto the copyright problem again. Your vampire disc must not have no protection on it so you could copy ok.

As for Ice Age this does. You must get around this macrovision problem, via an external lead. There are some threads on this site which tell you which one to get. Try

My macro free player does not need this so i dont know which one to suggest.

As for my connections, I simply scart my pioneer player to my Phillips recorder and BINGO simple as that.

Best of luck!

This item was edited on Wednesday, 12th February 2003, 23:14

RE: How easy is it to copy my dvd,s from dvd player to Panasonic e30 recorder ?

jools 2001 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 14th February 2003, 22:58

Hi Zipman,

thanks for reply,

Have now taken back pacific dvd to asda for refund
nothing wrong with it,it was brilliant for the money..
reason is ive just ordered a LFD311OEM panasonic dvd r/ram recorder
for a total of £147.00p .

The pacific,along with the special lead,would of cost me between
£105- £135 in total.
So decided to go for the pc version to complement my Panny E30
and it least now i can do all my backups using pc,along with being able to backup my huge archive of mp3 etc



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