Page 1 of Playin dvd`s through PS2?????????

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Playin dvd`s through PS2?????????

idlehands0202 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 5th January 2003, 10:36

Hi. I had a Ps2 last christmas and i started to buy region1 dvd`s and i brought that region x thing to play them on the ps2, however why about half way through does the words cum out before the lips move???
I had this a couple of times and what i did was stop it and started it again from where i stopped it and it works fine?????????????

Please help if you can

RE: Playin dvd`s through PS2?????????

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 5th January 2003, 12:19

This lip-sync problem can apparently be solved by upgrading to the latest DVD driver software - unfortunately, Sony don`t give this away for free and expect you to spend £20 on the official Sony remote to get the new software.

I`m not a legal expert, but you can probably get a free upgrade under the Sale of Goods Act (fitness for purpose) if you kick up a fuss about it.


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