Page 1 of Sainsburys` cheap players

Hardware Forum

Sainsburys` cheap players

ebony.branch (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 10th December 2002, 20:22

Popped into Sainsburys - they have a few new cheaper players on offer. What is the MICO Diamante like?

Is it region/macro hackable?

RE: Sainsburys` cheap players

dvduser2 (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 14th December 2002, 16:16

I have this player and it is multi-region straight out of the box.

Anyone know of a hack for macrovision?

RE: Sainsburys` cheap players

Nigel Foulkes (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 18th December 2002, 20:50

Hi there, I`ve just bought one of these Diamantes but havent opened it yet.

Does it play DVD-R / DVD-RW?

Just wondering whether I should return it to buy a more expensive one - any comments gratefully received.

RE: Sainsburys` cheap players

llamedos (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 19th December 2002, 15:23

Has anyone managed to get it to play vcd and svcd discs, any info greatfully received

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