Page 1 of Scan SC2000 Firmware 103 (Yep, that old)

Hardware Forum

Scan SC2000 Firmware 103 (Yep, that old)

Doug (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 20th December 2000, 14:43


What ability do I have to upgrade my Scan SC2000? I bought it many months ago and after reading all the posts I can I can`t see any relating to a unit this old.

I ideally want to be able to turn off MacroVision. Is there a way to upgrade?

RE: Scan SC2000 Firmware 103 (Yep, that old)

yeti (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 20th December 2000, 18:39

I purchased my machine in September and would also like to know
how to upgrade it.
The picture quality is terrible.This appears to be a problem that occured
in the early models.
I really would like some help.

RE: Scan SC2000 Firmware 103 (Yep, that old)

DaveyG (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 21st December 2000, 23:41

Maybe the generosity of Nelish will prevail over your plight of owning a s***e player ?

Good advertising for him if he does..

Anybody, who doesn’t like advertisements on this form.
Just don’t read it...
If you complain you can just go and blow it out of your
R’s with a piece of yuletide Holy for that special Christmas effect.

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