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"Stereo" Bass

0A1B2C (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 10th December 2002, 01:19

How can I best describe this? Well you wire one sub up to the standard LFE output of your amp/receiver and then connect sub number 2 to the rear L and R terminals of the amp/receiver to the Input terminals of sub 2, then wire the rear L and R speakers to the L and R output of sub 2, so both rear surround channels are kept. So in theory this should create a LF channel for the rear speakers...

Obviously it will work, but I would like to know if anyone has actually tried this, and if so, does it enhance the audio in any way?

…Or is it better to just stick to the normal LFE channel?

Adam Walby.

RE: "Stereo" Bass

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 10th December 2002, 08:09

Well, as I understand it, the rear channels won`t contain much low frequency stuff anyway - it will all be directed to the LFE channel, or the front 2 channels if you set the amp up for no sub. In fact, I think the rear channels are usually rolled off at around 80Hz, so a sub would do little good - maybe some if the speakers were set to "large". Remember that rear channels are for subtle effects and ambience, not trouser flapping bass.
Two subs can be good, I understand, but you would simply daisychain them together off the LFE channel.

RE: "Stereo" Bass

0A1B2C (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 10th December 2002, 11:16

Thanks for your reply...

The idea was givin to me by someone in Richer Sounds, but come to think of it, you are right. I think I`ll just wire them both up to the LFE channel like I first intended.

Adam Walby.

RE: "Stereo" Bass

Rex Hamilton as Abraham Lincoln (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 11th December 2002, 10:16

Aha, I beg to differ. The rear channels contain 20hz to 20khz as the standard for 5.1 is full frequency for all channels except the LFE channel. I agree about the fact that they aren`t used for big explosions and stuff. If the second sub was used on the front L/R speakers, that may be better as the LFE channel only has certain effects.

RE: "Stereo" Bass

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 12th December 2002, 09:32

Yes, you;re right - I was really thinking about the fact that most of the time the rears are set to "small", but that`s a function of the decoder, rather than DD. The other thing to bear in mind is that low frequency bass is not particularly directional, so you wouldn`t get "stereo" bass anyway. I`ve need people over on the AVForums who have 4 subs - now that`s bonkers!

RE: "Stereo" Bass

Rex Hamilton as Abraham Lincoln (Competent) posted this on Friday, 13th December 2002, 09:44

4 subs? I only have one and all the neighbours know about it!! Maybe the 4 sub people live in barns!

RE: "Stereo" Bass

matchday (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 13th December 2002, 15:17

I think i`m right in saying that MJ Acoustics suggest that 5 Pro 50s is the way to go. At £300 a piece thats only £1500.

You would probably need something bigger for LFE channel however.

I`d imagine that some x-box games would sound pretty awe insipring on that kind of kit.

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