Page 1 of Scan2000 new Ver blocky playback

Hardware Forum

Scan2000 new Ver blocky playback

PeteTh (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 11th December 2000, 10:30

I have a new batch Scan 2000 bought, early Nov. The picture has been superb with Region 2 : Toy Story2 & The Fifth Element, but The Matrix Rg2 sometimes shows blocky large pixels (however plays the lobby scene & helicopter perfectly).

But worse of all is Region 1 The Fight Club (the only Region 1 DVD I own) which is very blocky with large pixels often. It doesn`t seem very smooth either.

I have tried adjusting `Picture format` in the secret menu (from to `Non-Flicker` to `Hi-Res`) to no avail.

I have firmware version 180 (i.e one upgrade applied)

I WAS really pleased with this player, any advice ?

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