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Recording problems with the Panasonic DMRE30

DMRE30 User (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 23rd September 2002, 15:39

I have had my DMRE30 now for 2 weeks. I bought Gen 3 Bulk Paq DVD-R discs and FWS discs from . For the first week everything was fine but now I notice glitches in whatever I record. Everything plays fine for about ten minutes then the playback seems to jump and hestitate. Anybody else out there having any problems or might know what is causing this??. Is it the machine or is it the discs??. I have tried recording in XP and SP modes and it makes no difference. I have sent an e.mail to Panasonic in the UK but haven`t heard from them yet. Any info appreciated

RE: Recording problems with the Panasonic DMRE30

runcornboy (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 23rd September 2002, 18:57


I found with my DMRE30 that it was very fussy on the DVD-R disks I used avoid really cheap ones they are not worth the money ..

RE: Recording problems with the Panasonic DMRE30

spin (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 24th September 2002, 08:03

I have recorded over 50 offf the new bulkpaq discs,Panasonic will reply they will only gaurrantee there own brand @ £9.99 a go! FWS are of equall performance and are not worth the extra money have a look at were you can get some other views On another note I have sold quite a few of these machines now and all are working ok with Bulkpaq Ver2.3 OK.

RE: Recording problems with the Panasonic DMRE30

DMRE30 User (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 24th September 2002, 18:05

Are these the Bulkpaq available from SVP at the moment??. They are the ones I purchased all it says on them is "Generation 3 (R2) DVD-R". I also bought their FWS discs and the same thing happens on them. On looking at the playback again, what it actually does, is speed up momentarily and then go into Slo-mo for a few seconds as though it was waiting for the audio track to catch up. The sound remains unaffected during the whole process BTW. I am still scratching my head. It also doesn`t matter whether I am backing up my Tivo recordings or Video Tape or even straight Terrestrial broadcasts. Still haven`t heard from Panasonic but in the meantime I will buy some of the more expensive discs. On that subject, when you say "dearer discs" do you mean the ones @ £1 odds, or the ones @ £5 - £9. Thanks for your replys.

RE: Recording problems with the Panasonic DMRE30

shylock1955 (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 7th November 2002, 19:19

I also bought some FWS branded DVD-R`s from and had many problems with them i.e. some wouldn`t work at all others recorded for a short time and then failed. Blancdiscshop were very helpful however and exchanged them for some Ritek DVD-R which so far have worked fine. I have also been using White Label without any problems.

RE: Recording problems with the Panasonic DMRE30

spin (Competent) posted this on Friday, 8th November 2002, 09:02

I wrote earlier that Bulpaqs were ok for this unit that applied to the original batch I got from SVP the new batch I recieved was total Bulkcrap and have sent them back also a batch of FWS i recieved iI rejected .I now use E performace which is now heavely discounted to 68p each (SVP) and Data Safe (Ritek) dye and Datawrite disc have had no problems with these discs you are always going to get the odd one in a thousand though,also if you are unhappy with your discs from SVP send them back they have a freepost address and they will replace / refund

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