Page 1 of Pioneer 530/5 - is it really that noisy?

Hardware Forum

Pioneer 530/5 - is it really that noisy?

SmokedKipper (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 5th December 2000, 18:43

I`ve read a few reports that the drive on this player is a bit on the noisy side. I won`t be keeping one behind a glass door or anything like that so am I likely to hear it from a few metres away if I turned the sound down (or off)?

Daft and pointless question, just out of interest, what sort of noise is it? Is it a whirring or a sort of ticking or something else?

RE: Pioneer 530/5 - is it really that noisy?

bigfan (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 5th December 2000, 19:42

It does make some noise, but it depends on the disc in my opinion.

It`s virtually silent when playing CD`s and varys with different DVD`s.

"Whirring" would be a good way of describing it, but it doesn`t really annoy me. It may cause a problem in a very silent scene of a film, but it is no noisier than any VCR I`ve heard in action.

What you want to do is, if you think it might be a problem, is go to a local hifi shop (Richer sounds maybe?) and go in one of their sound proof demo rooms to test out the player. They`ll have test discs etc. It really does vary from disc to disc though, so it`s best if you can try a few discs from different publishers / studios.

My freind has a 525, the model before, and it is noisier than mine, but his is a high pitched noise whereas mine sounds more like the motors turning.

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