Page 1 of Arcam AV8 preamp processor and P7 power amp.

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Arcam AV8 preamp processor and P7 power amp.

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 22nd August 2002, 17:47

I have just had the pleseure of playing with the above equipment in the shop today.

The AV8 is the brains and does every sound format known to man up to THX ultra 2. It does so much more I would be here all day typing.

Cost £2999.95

Now the big boy. The P7 is huge H180 x W433 x D460mm and whighs in at 35kg. It is 7 x 150 watts per channel at 8 ohms. It is awsome.

Cost £2499.95

This system is a Tag beater.

Go to for more info.

All the best,

The 42%er.

RE: Arcam AV8 preamp processor and P7 power amp.

Westy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 22nd August 2002, 19:06

So Andrew,

As me and Clayts will be descending upon Leicester tomorrow, does that mean we can have a listen??


RE: Arcam AV8 preamp processor and P7 power amp.

rommel (Competent) posted this on Friday, 23rd August 2002, 09:46

It would be interesting to try the Arcam against the Naim AV2/VS1 combo.

So far the Naim is far and away the finest sounding processor I`ve come across. I`m sure that much of this is down to the physical separation of the audio circuitry from the video circuits (put in another unit - the VS1). Is it any wonder that Mark Levinson have elected to do the same thing with their latest £30,000 AV unit?

The TAG is a neat piece of kit but sound-wise the Naim thrashes it. Considering how far ahead of the mainstream AV amp brigade the TAG is, the Naim is truly a revelation. Take it from me, a self-confessed tube junkie, there are some BIG changes going on at Naim - I can`t wait for the rumoured DVD player.....

RE: Arcam AV8 preamp processor and P7 power amp.

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Friday, 23rd August 2002, 09:47

Sorry chaps, I only had it for one day.

I may see you about though.

All the best,

The 42%er.

RE: Arcam AV8 preamp processor and P7 power amp.

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Friday, 23rd August 2002, 09:58

Rommel - as a Naim pre/power owner, I`ve been salivating over their AV thing - way over any budget I might have, though!! (All my stuff has been second hand, but still going strong.......)

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