Page 1 of Pixilation (I think) on Acoustic solutions

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Pixilation (I think) on Acoustic solutions

flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 7th August 2002, 21:21


I have noticed when watching certain DVDs that the dark colours (for example the Moria Mines scenes in LOTR) seem to pixilate (I think that`s the right term. By that I mean you can see blocks of lighter darks etc.).

I have got an Acoustic Solutions 551connected to a Matsui 28" Nicam jobby via a B-Tech ribbon SCART cable.

I like the picture on my telly quite light and have also noticed the problem on some cable telly programmes. If it is just because I have got a cheap TV and DVD player then I will put up with it. But if there is any way of improving upon the problem please let me know.



RE: Pixilation (I think) on Acoustic solutions

Steve Clark (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 8th August 2002, 12:24

There`s some comment on the picture quality on the Software forum under `So what do you think of LOTR? Possible spoilers!`

I`ve got a 551, that generally seems fine. I hope to borrow a friend`s LoTR some time soon. I`m waiting for the 4 disc before I buy.


RE: Pixilation (I think) on Acoustic solutions

flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 8th August 2002, 14:19


Let me know how you fare.

Plus do you have a similar problem with any other films?



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