Page 1 of Slightly OT: Anyone got one of these -> Napa DAV310? Opinions ?

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Slightly OT: Anyone got one of these -> Napa DAV310? Opinions ?

Jezebabe (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 2nd December 2000, 13:32

It`s a portable VCD/MP3 player

Seems like good value. Will it play SVCD? The spec does not mention it (also see manufacturer page at but I wondered whether anyone has tried it?


RE: Slightly OT: Anyone got one of these -> Napa DAV310? Opinions ?

Nexstar (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 2nd December 2000, 22:02

A friend of mine had one of these and I had a chance to play with it for 48 hours. I don`t think it did SVCD.

It was ok provided you didn`t actually want to carry it around while listening to music. In that it had no buffer and so the slightest knock would cause it grief.

The battery doesn`t last very long at all either, so I guess you`d have to use it mostly with the mains adapter supplied which then makes it `portable` in the loosest sense.

It was still pretty capable for the price though.

RE: Slightly OT: Anyone got one of these -> Napa DAV310? Opinions ?

kevindal (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 2nd December 2000, 22:59

I haven`t got one, but it`s among a number of players I`ve been thinking about getting. It costs just over 30,000 pts here in Spain where I live (at present exchange rates about £100, but about £150 in "real terms"). I feel pretty sure there are two models as well, a "09" and a "10", though just what the differences are I can`t tell you. If you just want an MP3 on CD-R &/or CD-RW player, then there are now several on the market, some with better specs (eg.: anti-shock mechanisms), including one by Philips (Expanium - 2 models, an "01" and an "03" - again, I don`t know how they differ) and another by a US company called Pine. But for portable MP3 + VCD/SVCD players I only know of Shinko. They also do a portable DVD/VCD/MP3 etc player called the DV-980, and I`d like to find someone who imports them, but no one seems to know the name of an importer/distributor/retailer - do you?

If you`re interested, I could point you to some web pages on the above MP3 players and also the Shinko homepage and a Hong Kong exporter who ships the Shinko 830 (I think) SVCD (?)/ VCD/MP3 portable. Just post a yes please on this thread and I`ll get back - but maybe not till Wednesday - I work long hours!

RE: Slightly OT: Anyone got one of these -> Napa DAV310? Opinions ?

Jezebabe (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 3rd December 2000, 11:24

Thanks for the response.

Thats a big "Yes Please" kevindal.


RE: Slightly OT: Anyone got one of these -> Napa DAV310? Opinions ?

kevindal (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 3rd December 2000, 19:05

Hold onto yr hat!

Firstly, Shinco, I know, have a range of VCD, SVCD and a DVD (DV980) portable players that also do MP3, but I have no idea of a UK importer/distributor/retailer -so if you hear of one, let me know quick. Their web is at: or via

It would seem that the Hong Kong exporting company only does a stand-alone Shino 868, not the portables, but if you`d like to check out their stuff anyway (lots of Playstation stuff), go to:

As for Discman-type MP3 players, the only one I know of that does VCD (not SVCD I`m afraid) is the Napa you already know about. Other audio only players are:


I read some US online review on the Mambox, and they weren`t too hot- it didn`t come up to the hype that`d already been put out about it. If I find the site again, I`ll post it.


MPTrip discman:

Pine SM-200C:

I seem to remember the Pine has a recording facility of some kind.

eXpanium: (info also on Philips` UK and Europe sites)

The last two are the better ones, though also more expensive for it. I know carries the Napa, (US site) the Philips and maybe others, and (another US site) the MPTrip.

Although the sites I`ve given you are basically in the US, I think all the players are beginning to filter through to Europe and the UK.

Dixons also do a cheapie, a Goodmans model, the CDMP350 at £80, which may be a badged Genica or MPTrip. Go to Dixons, check or call Goodmans on 023 9239 1100.

Hope you find this a help. If you find any alternatives, especially MP3 playing portable DVD players that are easily hacked and have defeatable macrovision, please post them!

RE: Slightly OT: Anyone got one of these -> Napa DAV310? Opinions ?

Jezebabe (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 3rd December 2000, 19:16

Thanks for all the info kevindal.

The Shinco sounds like the ideal solution if only someone would import them. I had noticed the Goodmans in Dixons but it looked a bit cheap and nasty ;-) I like the look of the Philips expanium but this is MP3 only.

I also read the very slating review of the MamboX which has put me off it.

I will post if I hear of anything that might be of interest.

Thanks again
P.S. Perhaps one of the UK retailers of Shinco standalone DVD players could be persuaded to import the portable players? Do you know of any?

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