Page 1 of AIWA370 - Step 2, Putting it together

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AIWA370 - Step 2, Putting it together

Steve1977 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 2nd December 2000, 11:52

Well I have got it working and it does indeed rock!!!!!

But, when watching Videos, Terrestrial or Sky Digital the sound on our JVC Pro Logic normally comes out really loud when the volume is on, lets say 14.
But after connecting a RGB scart from the DVD to the TV, whislt the picture is good, the sound has to be turned up much louder.
I havent used the other leads that came with it. Red and White and Yellow.

I believe I must connect the red and white to the Audio Out on the back of the TV. Is this right?

RE: AIWA370 - Step 2, Putting it together

Steve1977 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 2nd December 2000, 13:53

Well I wish I had a Dolby Digital amp and speakers but I havent ........All I had to do was push up the volume (still less that half way) and bingo! It was superb.

If anyone else is wondering which budget player to get, get the AIWA370! or the lg equivalent!

My Player plays x-men region 1 superbly and the sound and picture is second to none.

RE: AIWA370 - Step 2, Putting it together

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 2nd December 2000, 20:29

Steve, the Mpeg audio stream is much lower for DVD.

I thought it was a fault and had it checked by my instore engineer and a Digital engineer in our service centre HQ.

I`ve had 6 players. The best for volume is definitely the Aiwa, but yes, it`s lower than the output for terrestrial TV and for Sky/OnDigital boxes.

I was given the technical reason for was (direct quote from what I remember) " Blah blah blah..blah de blah blah blah blah..." etc.

Who cares?!

Turn the volume up and let the Aiwa ROCK!!!!!!!
(by the way...try an Mp3 or CD Audio disc through yer telly..should sound nearly as loud as you digibox)

AIWA 370 (officially) ROCKS!!!!!!!!

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