Page 1 of HELP! LG4750 plays with bright green picture after buying PSOne!

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HELP! LG4750 plays with bright green picture after buying PSOne!

ptay39 (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 6th July 2002, 14:12

Not sure what`s happened. We bought a PSOne and tuned the widescreen TV into channel 36 to use it with the supplied connector. PSOne went back to the shop (long story). Then we found the video player needed to be retuned. Did that OK. Now we`ve discovered the DVD player (two months old and so far without problems) has no sound at all and the picture is bright green on any disc I play. It`s a multi-region machine with the hack also used to set it to region 0.

TV is set to auto for the colour setting, back of the DVD player is set to "composite". Connection of DVD player to TV is with a gold-plated scart lead into RGB TV socket. Nothing has been altered on the set up at all, only the tuning in of the PSOne seems to have caused these problems. Any ideas anyone?

RE: HELP! LG4750 plays with bright green picture after buying PSOne!

Nikon (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 6th July 2002, 21:11

You could make sure the scart connectors are pushed fully home.


RE: HELP! LG4750 plays with bright green picture after buying PSOne!

ptay39 (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 8th July 2002, 21:54

You were right Steve! Must have wiggled the scart lead when I fiddled about with the PSOne connection. We`re up and running again - many thanks.


RE: HELP! LG4750 plays with bright green picture after buying PSOne!

chewie (Elite) posted this on Monday, 8th July 2002, 22:06

I love it when there is a happy ending ;-)

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