Page 1 of Wharfedale 750s/Lecson DVD900 Colour Picture Problems! ,Why?

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Wharfedale 750s/Lecson DVD900 Colour Picture Problems! ,Why?

Preet (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 29th November 2000, 20:08

why does the colour picture on some dvds (playing on either the Wharfedale 750s or Lecson DVD900) flicker heavily in and out of lightness and darkness at 1 to 2 second intervals e.g.
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I Have the supplied Scart connected from the RGB output, to my Panasonic NVSD40 Video AV input. Most others discs work fine without this colour flicking... !? Help, has anyone else experienced this? I think I might return the player and get the Aiwa 370 from Comet; because it`s fundamentally ruining the enjoyment of the discs.

Might have to go back to watching Betamax!

RE: Wharfedale 750s/Lecson DVD900 Colour Picture Problems! ,Why?

londonbabe (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 30th November 2000, 13:25

From what I`ve been told -it`s not the machine, but Macrovision copy protection on the discs.
It`s cos your DVD player is plugged into your video. Try a Mac disabe hack - no doubt you`ll find one for each by searching this forum. Or you might need a hardware mod.
Failing that, can it plug into your TV?

RE: Wharfedale 750s/Lecson DVD900 Colour Picture Problems! ,Why?

Mick Golby (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 30th November 2000, 19:05

Londonbabe is right.Its probably the VCR picking up the Macrovision on the discs. As the Lecson has got two scart scockets, try it the other way and connect your VCR to the second scart on the Lecson and the Lecson direct to the TV.

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