skinswin(Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 29th November 2000, 01:08
Quick Question. I have a JVC 523BK and heard you can turn off the macro. Is this correct? I`d like to copy a dvd to vhs to take on a vacation for my kids to watch in the van. Any help with the macrovision lines/squigglies would be appreciated.
RE: JVC 523 Hack to remove Macro??
andrew wilkinson(Harmless) posted this on Friday, 1st December 2000, 20:59
Yes you probably can. the word on the street says there are little silver boxes out there enabling a PC to recode the eeprom via compulink socket. however the RCE issue has not been considered and its likely the hack would work but not play RCE discs. get the LINK/TECHTRONICS mod fitted instead. much safer
otherwise just buy one of those macrovision busters as advertised by there cheap and work. region 2 only of course