Page 1 of Wharfedale 750s - it worked!!

Hack Help Forum

Wharfedale 750s - it worked!!

mookie (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 17th February 2002, 11:55

Just a little note to say thank you!

Before yesterday I didn`t know it was even possible to turn a region-specific player into a multi-region one. I got a region 1 DVD the other day (was told it would play on my r2 player) but I kept getting "Invalid Region" message - strangely enough, I also got another R1 DVD (Shrek) that plays without problem.....

Anyway.......I stumbled upon this site and thought I`d give it a go - and voila! The only hitch was that it played just the tiniest bit "jerky" though this problem seems to have been solved by changing my settings from PAL to PAL 60.

Thanks again,

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