Page 1 of SONY RDR-HXD860 Hack
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Does anyone have a multiregion hack for this DVD recorder using the officially supplied Sony remote at all please?
THIS WORKED on my RDR-HXD860s, region 2 unit. It is necessary to use a "one for all" or similar programmable remote control with a DVD or Aux button in addition to TV, to carry out this hack.
Note: my old "Cinema 7" OFA Remote Controller (URC-7201) has a "Setup" button in place of a "Magic" button.
FIRST of all, set the DVD recorder command mode to "DVD1":=>
* Switch on SONY DVD recorder and point its remote at it
* System-Menu -> Setup -> Options -> Command-Mode
* Select DVD1
* Press and hold both the ENTER and number "1" buttons for more then 3 secs
* Close, then exit
* Put DVD recorder on standby
To set the DVD button's code in the URC-7201 OFA remote for SONY DVDs:=>
* Press the DVD device key on OFA remote
* Press & Hold the SETup key until the LED flashes twice
* Enter 0533 (device code for Sony DVDs) and the LED flashes twice.
* Verify that recorder can be controlled by both remotes (Power on, play, etc)
* Power off (standby) the DVD recorder
Now program function code 189 into number key "1" of the OFA remote:=>
Press "DVD" device button on the OFA remote
1. Hold SETup button until the LED flashes twice
2. Press 994 (code to reassign number-keys' codes)
3. Press SETup button (don`t hold)
> To assign function 189 to the number "1" Key)
4. Press 189 1
- LED's double flash indicates success
Now program function codes into number keys "2" - "5",
repeating steps 1-4 above for each number key:=>
1. Hold SETup button until the LED flashes twice
2. Press 994 (code to reassign number-keys' codes)
3. Press SETup button (don`t hold)
4. Use the following to set codes for number keys "2" - "5", in each repetition of steps 1-4;
> 255 2 for the number "2" key
> 095 3 for the number "3" key
> 221 4 for the number "4" key
> 079 5 for the number "5" key
The OFA is now ready to send the special codes via its number "1" - "5" keys, to the SONY DVD recorder.
Actual conversion of the DVD recorder to region-free:=>
* Remove mains cable from DVD recorder for 10 seconds, then replace
* Power on and then OFF, with DVD remote not the switch on the DVD recorder
* Point OFA remote at the recorder.
* Press keys 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- "WELCOME" is displayed, and recorder starts up
* Power off and then on with DVD remote
* Press keys 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- recorder goes back to standby
- "TIMER ON" is displayed
The RDR-HXD860 DVD recorder is now multi-region.
Clear the OFA RC`s re-coded keys by removing its batteries for a while.
If the codes do not load into the OFA controller (correct loading is indicated by the controller LED flashing twice), place 00 in front of them i.e. 00189 1; 00255 2 etc. and try again