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Difference between 750s and 750 ??

jack jumpin (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 7th November 2000, 20:53

I took back my Ariston 2000 due to problems and went up to Tesco
to get a 750s problem is they had 2 750s` but no 750s`s.

Do the 750s box say 750s on the box ? I had an old 750 last year and the remote of the current one sees to be very different. However a mate
got a 750 a few months ago and it plays The Patriot fine ??

My question really is do the later 750s` play the patriot or is it only the 750s. Does the new 750s play MP3 cds ?? I read on a news group it
does but does it ??

Cheers Jack

RE: Difference between 750s and 750 ??

RogerT (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 7th November 2000, 22:05

Hi Jack

Yes the 750S’s DO say 750S on the box.

The remote control of the 750S is different to the 750. (It’s a lot better!!)

Your 3rd question seems strange. If you are asking, “Do the late 750’s play The Patriot” then you’ve already answered that by saying your mate’s works.

If your asking “Do the late 750S’s play The Patriot” then YES all the 750S’s play The Patriot.

As for the MP3’s I’m not sure, I don’t have any CD’s with MP3 files on to try, but as far as I’m aware they do.

I hope this has been some help.


RE: Difference between 750s and 750 ??

jack jumpin (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 7th November 2000, 23:06

Cheers for the reply mate.

I thought it played MP3 cds but was not to sure are the later 750s the
same internally as the new ones ??

Seems strange the newer 750s` use the same region code hack as the earlier but do play the Patriot.

Cheers Again

RE: Difference between 750s and 750 ??

RogerT (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 8th November 2000, 03:48

Hi Jack

If your taking about the original Wharfedale 750.

They are all pretty much the same inside apart from their firmware chips.

Their are apparently 3 versions of it, the early version which cant play RCE disks and had trouble with The Matrix had a CS=5EE8 firmware.

The second version has the DTS support and has the CS=CBE8 firmware which apparently can play RCE disks.

And the third version has the DTS support and the new firmware CS=328C which can also play RCE disks.

Hope you find this useful.

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