Page 1 of Matsui 125 Region Hack

Hack Help Forum

Matsui 125 Region Hack

tony21 (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 8th January 2002, 13:43

I`ve just succesfully used the Matsui 122 hack on my 125 player. The problem I now have is that the picture jumps up and down when playing region 1 discs. Anyone know why.

It might be something to do with the fact that region 1s are `NTSC` whereas region 2s are `PAL` and my tv wont adapt.

Anyones help would be much appreciated.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 8th January 2002, 13:45

RE: Matsui 125 Region Hack

silva909 (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 31st January 2002, 09:22

i`ve run the same hack for my 125 and it works fine.

the thing about NTSC & PAL (to my knowledge) doesn`t matter - something to do with the DVD player decoder. my TV is donkey`s years old and certainly ain`t NTSC compatible.

TRY THIS - when you applied the hack did you select ALL regions ??
there`s a problem with some (RTS) region 1 dvd`s - try selecting JUST region 1 and then play the disc - a pain if you`re watching both region 1`s & 2`s but it should work for the disc`s that are jumping.

hope this makes sense and helps...

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