Page 1 of Macrovision??? :-(

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Macrovision??? :-(

da_reaver (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 2nd January 2002, 19:36

can someone please tell me what macrovision is plaese because i have no idea!! thanx :-)

This item was edited on Wednesday, 2nd January 2002, 19:37

RE: Macrovision??? :-(

Engineer (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 2nd January 2002, 20:24

Macrovision is "The DVD`s Anti Copy System).
It stops you from copying your DVD`s to Video cassettes, much the same as the tape to tape version adopted in the late 80`s.

However the player has a chip and some software that detects a copy protected disc (the protection is on the disc).
the system is reverse engineerable by "Chipping" the player. This can be done by a reputable company or by yourself if you feel capable. Some players are simple others very specialised, pioneer in particular are not for the faint hearted !.

Hope this helps



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