Page 1 of Medion 4310

Hack Help Forum

Medion 4310

Oliver Car (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 2nd January 2002, 12:36

I am trying to find a multi region hack for this player - can anyone help at all?

RE: Medion 4310

Dandy (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 5th January 2002, 20:18

Oliver, i,m also trying to find a multi-region hack, if you have any luck could you please e- mail me.
many thanks Dandy

RE: Medion 4310

Steve Hoyle (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 6th January 2002, 13:26

Can be chipped for auto region but not macro off or VCD on


RE: Medion 4310

Oliver Car (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 6th February 2002, 18:57

Hi Dandy, it seems someone has found a remote hack. I have not tried it yet, but will do so tonight.
Here are the steps (as proposed by Kenny in the forum):
1. Power up
2. Open tray
3. Press SETUP
4. Press 0 for "region free"
5. Press PAUSE
6. Press I<< (STEP BACK) button under SLOW/R
7. Press >>I (STEP FORWARD) button under SLOW/F
8. Press SETUP
That`s it. Your Medion 4310 should now be region free... according to Kenny. Please let me know if you succeeded.

RE: Medion 4310

bradnopit (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 7th February 2002, 11:03

yes the hack works i have tested it with all regions, it doesn`t need to be chipped, still doesn`t play vcd though, if anyone has a hack, or has the memorex2027(same player as the medion4310) firmware plz tell, because i think the vcd option is maybe blocked by firmware.

RE: Medion 4310

PaulAustin (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 11th February 2002, 19:35

hi oliver car
i have tried to hack my 4310 but when i go into the setup then press 0 nothing seems to happen will be greatfull if u can help

RE: Medion 4310

johnb (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 18th February 2002, 21:01

there is no message that appears, it does work, i have try`d it and it worked fine.

does anyone have a hack so i can play vcd,s.

This item was edited on Monday, 18th February 2002, 21:02

RE: Medion 4310

Oliver Car (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 19th February 2002, 06:28

Hello Paul,
it seems that the system does not display any messages after you`ve gone through the WHOLE procedure. Nevertheless, it will play DVDs that come from different regions. I`ve tried it with both, region 1 and region 2 DVDs. Works perfectly.

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