Page 1 of Attention of Chris Reay...........

Hack Help Forum

Attention of Chris Reay...........

MLJ2 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 3rd November 2000, 10:26

Have you had any luck finding a region 1 hack
and does the patriot R1 disk work.
also do you know which firmware you have.



RE: Attention of Chris Reay...........

Chris Reay (Competent) posted this on Friday, 3rd November 2000, 10:37

Hi Matt,

So far no news on an R1 hack for our version of the 750S with the new firmware, but lots of posts suggesting it might be clever enough to defeat RCE anyway, which leads me to your second question.

The Patriot hasn`t arrived yet, on previous deliveries from my supplier I`ve seen 7-8 days so hopefully I should receive it over the next 2-3 days, as I have it and can test it I`ll post back here so you`ll know.

I haven`t opened the 750S yet to find out what firmware rev it has, as I don`t want to give Tescos any excuse for not taking it back. If the Patriot doesn`t work on the FW rev then its going back and I`ll re-order from tesco online where they seem to be shipping the manually hackable version only.

I`ll keep you updated as soon as I know more.



RE: Attention of Chris Reay...........

MLJ2 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 3rd November 2000, 13:07

Thanks Chris. I`ll keep my fingers crossed !



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