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Hack Help Forum

EPROM Programmer

Mr Jazz (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 26th November 2001, 14:12


I`ve recently taken delivery of a Samsung M105 DVD player, which unfortunately has the later v5.02E firmware installed. As I don`t know anyone with an older player so that I can swap the EPROM`s while the hack is performed could someone maybe recommend an EPROM Programmer that will let me upload the earlier v5.02C firmware ?
--> I know they`re quiet expensive but I`m sure I can find a use for it afterwards !



RE: EPROM Programmer

snayke (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 29th November 2001, 00:03

Hey there, there`s a company called CPC (Combined Precision Components) who are based in Preston, Lancs. They do one for 436 quid, but is it worth it? If you want more details you can try their web site: or you could call them on 08701 202530. The part number of the programmer is IN00824

Hope this helps.

RE: EPROM Programmer

Mr Jazz (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 29th November 2001, 16:43

Hi Snayke,

Thanks for that. I`ve found a couple of other companies that offer similar, but yes, they`re all around the same price. I will probably end up just getting it chipped as I can`t guarantee enough work for it to pay for itself.

Thanks again for replying though, greatly appreciated.


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