Page 1 of My experience with different MOD companies in the UK - Best & Worst

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My experience with different MOD companies in the UK - Best & Worst

Ritchie Blackmore (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 15th November 2001, 14:34


I have been purchasing mail order DVD mod sollutions from different UK suppliers for quite a while and now I could say who is the best and who is the worst.

So the title for the BEST service goes to (Steve Middleton)

The title for the WORST service goes to channeltechnology of Wales (Gazza).

RE: My experience with different MOD companies in the UK - Best & Worst

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 15th November 2001, 18:30

Come on, at least say *why* you think they`re good and bad, Ritchie! :-)


RE: My experience with different MOD companies in the UK - Best & Worst

Steve Hoyle (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 15th November 2001, 19:18

Your research is flawed .... you havent bought from me or you would know that I was the best ....

I invite ANYONE who feels they have had bad service from me (DVD Chips) to post here :)

Seriously though Steve (mailuk) seems okay , I have spoke to him on the phone a couple of times and he seems a decent bloke ... as far as I know he doesnt design his own mods but buys in either mods or source code.

Gazza ( channeltechnology) is a more complicated chap .... we have had some STRONG disagreements over the last year or two .. on the other hand I have also worked with him on mods such as the macro off chip for the PS2. Again Gazza rarely designs his own mods and tends to buy in source code or get it by other means. That aside Gazza is most likely VERY busy with the Messaih mod for the PS2 and if his levels of service have slipped then that could well be the reason.

This could turn out to be a very intresting thread ... lets here who really does provide the best service ... an unbiased opinion of the top suppliers

Techtronics , Link , Multiregion magic , DVD Chips , Mail UK , Channel Tech , Upgrade Heaven

URL Deliberatly withheld so that this thread cannot be construed as a cheap advertising stunt.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 20th November 2001, 16:57

RE: My experience with different MOD companies in the UK - Best & Worst

Steve Hoyle (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 15th November 2001, 19:18

whoops duplicate post - sorry

URL Deliberatly withheld so that this thread cannot be construed as a cheap advertising stunt.

This item was edited on Thursday, 15th November 2001, 19:19

RE: My experience with different MOD companies in the UK - Best & Worst

Ritchie Blackmore (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 15th November 2001, 19:28

OK : About 3 weeks ago I ordered a MOD kit from and it was never sent. I phoned them almost every day (long distance from Malta) and they never gave me an explanation. I also e-mailed them several times but still got no answer or even an acknowledgment. Then the day before yesterday I came accross and e-mailed them, ordered, paid, and today I have what I ordered. So anyone could see the big difference in service. Having said that I also received good service from most other suppliers (I buy MODs regurarly) most notably from but I still feel that have the fastest & best service.

RE: My experience with different MOD companies in the UK - Best & Worst

Ritchie Blackmore (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 15th November 2001, 19:35

Hello Steve
It is true that I have never bought from your company. Maybe in the future I will and you will be given a chance to prove yourself. I fully agree with you on the suppliers that you mentioned as I have dealed with most of them. Also I am not suprised about your comments about Gary (Gazza) of channeltechnology. I wasted lots of time and long distance telephone bills without never getting any service from him.

So the lesson is that you should always buy from reputable companies and steer clear from rip-offs like channeltechnology.

RE: My experience with different MOD companies in the UK - Best & Worst

Steve Hoyle (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 15th November 2001, 19:47

I have to agree that is VERY good service you got there from Steve (MailUK) ... you wouldnt have received a mod from me as quick as that .. I ship abroad by Airmail not courier so although mods are shipped the same day they can take a while to arrive .... perhaps you paid a high price for the almost next day delivery ?

Steve DVDChips
URL Withheld

This item was edited on Tuesday, 20th November 2001, 16:59

RE: My experience with different MOD companies in the UK - Best & Worst

Ritchie Blackmore (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 16th November 2001, 12:56

Yep - Steve of is right. In fact I have written him an e-mail and he promptly replied even though I have never purchased from his company. Thats what I call good service. So whoever needs a DVD upgrade should chose companies like dvdchips because if you need service you get it promptly.

RE: My experience with different MOD companies in the UK - Best & Worst

Steve Middleton (Competent) posted this on Friday, 16th November 2001, 23:22

Well, it`s always nice to hear praise, but Steve (dvd chips) should take a lot of credit, since he does design his own mods and I know a lot of effort goes into that. I also believe Steve is of the same opinion as me that DVD Upgrades should not cost £100+ if the solution is either PIC based or via some sort of software upgrade and I note that DVD Chips as well as Mail UK have stopped charging for mods where there is an "original handset" hack.

Shame on the rest for lack of customer service, high prices, no technical knowledge and the inability to fulfill customer orders quickly.

Finally a word on Channel Tech (Gazza), I have not dealt with them personally and heard both good and bad things, so I will reserve judgement.

Comments invited.

Steve - Mail UK

RE: My experience with different MOD companies in the UK - Best & Worst

David Main (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 17th November 2001, 20:43

Hi there, I must add to this and say that I have always had good service from Channel Technology. Whether Gary designs or purchases is neither here nor there. I have found his service to be very good indeed. It is true that he has been very busy with the P2 mod and I`m sure this could have contributed to the "bad customer service". Sometimes small companies can bite off more than they can chew!
We like the neatness of the PCB design mods and of course they perform rather well too.
Steve I have spoken to you on several occasions and have found you very helpful indeed. At one point we were going to buy DVD players from you as you may remember and inquired about macro codes for the NS series. Keep up the good work!
To S. Hoyle I would like to speak to you with regards to some Dev work on a DVD player. I hear your the man for the job. I should have more info soon on it.

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