Page 1 of Does anyone have a DVD hack for a TEVION portable DVD model DVP7018

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Does anyone have a DVD hack for a TEVION portable DVD model DVP7018

Kramer (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 16th November 2006, 16:24


I`ve just bought a portable DVD Tevion DVP7018 from Aldi today and am looking for a hack to make it multi-region; does anyone have any ideas? I`ve seen a couple of Tevion hacks and they haven`t worked...!

Thanks in advance!

RE: Does anyone have a DVD hack for a TEVION portable DVD model DVP7018

dangerousbri (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 16th November 2006, 17:09

Good Luck!! Last years model the DVP7012 never got any hits...Tevion will not give up the hack codes no matter how you approach them!! :(

RE: Does anyone have a DVD hack for a TEVION portable DVD model DVP7018

Tony M Shaw (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 16th November 2006, 23:55

Hi also bought the £59 Tevion DVP7018 and would love to play my US dvd collection. so please anyone out there crack our code

kind regards Tony

I don`t know what it is ! I just love the CAKE give me the cake


boxman266 (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 17th November 2006, 20:29

anyone know how long the battery lasts between charges on this and where I could buy a spare

RE: AV-in ?

gilesme (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 18th November 2006, 19:26

Got one of these also - says on the box you can AV in ?

Couldn`t find how to in the instructions ?

Hack code

pigginpin (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 19th November 2006, 21:01

Found this one on internet see if this works

Tevion DRW 1605 HDD
1. Press STANDY/ON
2. Press MEDIA
3. Press OPEN
4. Press STOP
5. Type 734466
6. You will see the country`s region code.
7. Using Up/Down Arrows, change the region code.
(0 ist multi-region)
7. Press ENTER

RE: Hack code

Hackeroonie (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 19th November 2006, 23:23


Here is one to Try

Turn Player On
Open Disk Lid (Leave Open)
Using Remote Control Press 9 7 3 6

Current Region Displayed On Screen

Using Remote Control Press Required Region
Close Disk Lid

Let the forum Know if it works...Or Not


It`s Not Easy Having A Good Time....Even Smiling Makes My Face Ache

RE: Hack code

f1gadget (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd November 2006, 10:37

Thanks all, but I`ve tried the above hacks, but none work. If anyone else has found a multiregion hack for the Tevion DVP7018, please put us all out of our misery.


RE: Hack code

minkeyboy (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 12th February 2007, 09:45

This player is manufactured by Seimssen, model 6374 according to a little sticker on the bottom. Can`t get any joy with that, but maybe someone else will get lucky.

RE: Hack code

minkeyboy (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 15th March 2007, 17:06

You guys & gals are gonna be pleased with this I hope...

1. Turn on DVD Player
2. Ensure NO DISC is present
3.On remote press SETUP
4.Press right cursor 3 times [ >>> ]
5.At this menu type 1 3 7 9 followed by region of your choice, 0 for multi region
6. On remote press SETUP again
7. Put in any disk other than a region 2
8. You are region free!!!

I bought two of these from Aldi for my kids, and both are now successfully cracked.

If step 5 doesn`t work for you (worked on both of mine) turn off then back on & repeat the process but at step 5, use the down arrow twice to go from region 2>1>0 or up to the region of your choice, rather than typing the region directly.

You will know if you are region free as when you do the 1 3 7 9 + region code bit, the new region code will pop up in a grey box, e.g [Region 0].

:) :) :)

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