Page 1 of Insignia PD04922 7 inch portable dvd player region hack needed

Hack Help Forum

Insignia PD04922 7 inch portable dvd player region hack needed

jkmhahn (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 9th November 2006, 13:39

I need the region hack for Insignia PD04922. 7 inch portable DVD player. I bought it at Best Buy.

Thank you.

RE: Insignia PD04922 7 inch portable dvd player region hack needed

Hackeroonie (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 9th November 2006, 14:01


Here is the Hack

Turn Player On
Open The Disk Lid / Tray (Leave Open)
Using The Remote Control Press the Right Button 3 Times Until The Preference Page Appears
Using The Remote Control Press 9 6 5 3
Using The Remote Control Up & Down Keys Select Required Region ...0 (Zero) is Region Free
Close Disk Lid / Tray

Let the Forum Know if it works...or not


It`s Not Easy Having A Good Time....Even Smiling Makes My Face Ache

This item was edited on Thursday, 9th November 2006, 14:01

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