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Macro Free Video Recorders

Gazzaroony (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 18th October 2001, 00:05

Having found out to my expense that I have a Macro free DVD playerx X 2, I have having problems with My JVC video as it seems to kick in macro everytime I hit record. But when I try it on my sons Daewoo tv + video combi it works fine. STRANGE OR WHAT

Does anyone know of a list of videos that will ignore Macro?

Please help it`s driving my NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RE: Macro Free Video Recorders

Simon Bovey. (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 18th October 2001, 11:15

i think you have found the exception - the way that macrovision works is means that it should effect every VCR - maybe it works differently like converts to RGB inside or something without a sync signal

RE: Macro Free Video Recorders

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 18th October 2001, 11:48

Macrovision only affects VHS VCRs with auto-gain control, which realistically means almost any deck made since the early 1980s. There are a few (very few) exceptions.

Apologies if this sounds obvious, but are you sure the disc you tried to record on your Daewoo actually has Macrovision enabled? Not all discs are flagged for Macrovision.


This item was edited on Thursday, 18th October 2001, 11:49

RE: Macro Free Video Recorders

Nikon (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 18th October 2001, 12:55

As I understand it Mike is correct in that there is no Macrovision in a VCR it is sent with the signal to be recorded. There has been info about on how to retune the AGC in a VCR, the result is a recording that includes the macrovision encoding. They are of course making advances all the time and it could be a later version of Macrovision, how have you defeated it in your DVD player?


Some light reading:

RE: Macro Free Video Recorders

Simon Bovey. (Competent) posted this on Friday, 19th October 2001, 11:26

"Macrovision only affects VHS VCRs with auto-gain control," - thats for the brightness changing - for the `green screen` it`s not from what I know.

Macrovision is an injected signal which is a harmonic frequency to that of the sync signal - because VCR`s arn`t accurate to just accept the correct frquency it causes interferance. I had heard that because RGB video signals work in a different way in these terms it is imune - but of couse VCR`s don`t record RGB signals.

RE: Macro Free Video Recorders

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Friday, 19th October 2001, 13:34

What`s "green screen" Macrovision?

I know that NTSC players output "level 2" Macrovision which causes some sort of colour interference (stripes), but that isn`t applicable to PAL composite or RGB.


RE: Macro Free Video Recorders

tpmchugh (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 21st October 2001, 23:04

Aiwa fx4000 is macro free. Dont know the proper terminology or how it works but I can record from my Wharfedale 750s with no problem. If I try recording to my older Toshiba VCR I get the macrovision effect so it is not the DVD that is doing it

RE: Macro Free Video Recorders

Simon Bovey. (Competent) posted this on Monday, 22nd October 2001, 11:29

Mike - "What`s "green screen" Macrovision?"

This is where the recorded picture flashes mainly green at random times - I found it was maybe about once every few seconds - I think it was easier to by pass than the newer versions - it used to fact that a PAL signal doesn`t include green (it works out hte difference from the blue and red via different phases of the colour signals - hence Phase Adjust Linearity (PAL) - I think thats right - if so my old college lecturer must be proud !! :) )

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