Game Over?!(Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 19th September 2001, 10:29
a few of my mates also want this player for £100! (i already have one)...and was wondering where i could get it. theyve run out at argos near me (coventry...nuneaton etc)
is it possible to order specifically the 104 wia their website? i cant see how...theyll end up giving a 103!
or is there any other place that offer it for bout £100?
thanx in advance
RE: where can i get alba104 in stock?
Ramirez(Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 23rd September 2001, 23:14
I also have bought an Alba 104/A from Oswestry Argos, but on a visit to Wrexham on Saturday (21/09/01) I noticed that they are selling Alba 104`s in Woolworths but at £149.99.