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hack for Macrovision and/or Region codes Sampo DVE-611 DVD ?

dickusa (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 28th August 2001, 17:11

I bought the new SAMPO DVE-611 with unfortunately the "NO LOOPHOLES" firmware. Is it just a matter of time til some clever knowledable person creates a loophole or am I stuck with one region limitation and the hated Macrovision?

RE: hack for Macrovision and/or Region codes Sampo DVE-611 DVD ?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 28th August 2001, 19:00

No current hack on the DVE611. Some unscrupulous vendors are doing hardware modifications for $300 all in, which is outrageous considering the player should only retail at $149-169.

As you say, someone will crack it soon, no doubt - keep your eyes peeled on my website and the Sampo Phorum/Area 450 Forum.

Besides the region bar, how are you finding the player, out of interest ?

RE: hack for Macrovision and/or Region codes Sampo DVE-611 DVD ?

dickusa (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 28th August 2001, 19:21

Other than the Macrovision and the single region I think it is great. The menus are friendly, picture is superb using Component Video Out, Sound is noticably improved over my previous player ( trouble-plaqued Oritron 100).
Speaking of Oritron 100 I have oddly had no problems with it and have remote hacked it to be region code free and play VCDs. Anyone wants this hack let me know.

RE: hack for Macrovision and/or Region codes Sampo DVE-611 DVD ?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 6th September 2001, 23:06

Dick - 611 now hacked for multi-region, but not for Macrovision - see

RE: hack for Macrovision and/or Region codes Sampo DVE-611 DVD ?

GLEN (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 30th September 2001, 12:23

My ORITRON 100 is region free but it wont play VCD i have tryed the hack code 5/1/index/open but it still comes up NON VALID DISC i have checked the disc and it plays no probs in my PC.
Any ideas please

RE: hack for Macrovision and/or Region codes Sampo DVE-611 DVD ?

jolly123 (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 19th November 2001, 20:05

can you send me the hack for the oritron 100
ta mate grt back to me on ykm3a[at]moc.liamyoh

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