Page 1 of DVDR-610 hack back from multiregion to region 2?
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DVDR-610 hack back from multiregion to region 2?
Hi...Not a usual query. I have posted before re multiple problems re the DVDR-610. I am now waiting on Philips current software upgrade to see if it corrects all problems. If not, I am to get my money back. I will not be attempting to hack it to multiregion until it does so work properly. Assuming it does, as I am assured it will (?), I will try the hack. Given the no of problems experienced generally, however, I do not necessarily believe some other problem will not reoccur later. According to the sale of goods act, the retailer can be held to account for any fault down the line within a reasonable period of expected lifetime (say 5 years). Extended guarantees are pointless. Retailers try to stand by their disclaimers and limited guarantee periods etc, but apparently such just do not hold up in law. The small claims court should be doing a lot more business. The only problem with that is where the retailer might be able to try to claim tampering as the cause of the fault, even if untrue. In that event, and in the unfortunate expectation that problems may resurface sooner rather than later, I would like to know that I can effectively hack it back to region 2 only, before I convert it to multiregion in the first place. Does that make sense? Does any genius out there know how to do that? It would be much appreciated......Jo....