Page 1 of Initial idm 1210

Hack Help Forum

Initial idm 1210

jmelvill (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 8th February 2005, 21:01

has anyone got a hack for this player we purchased in the states.

RE: Initial idm 1210

gav28 (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 10th February 2005, 10:18

Try the following, it worked for my IDM-1210 :-)

step 1: turn on the power
step 2: enter into the set up menu using the remote
step 3: go into preferences menu
step 4: enter in the code 255135
step 5: quickly press the left arrow then the down arrow
step 6: a region code banner will appear, enter in the number zero
step 7: press set up again and your all done.

This works for RCE DVDs as well :-)

Also, I don`t know if you have discovered this yet, but the player will also play DIVX videos as well. Simply burn to CD et voila, it plays it. What a stonking piece of kit!

This item was edited on Thursday, 10th February 2005, 10:23

RE: Initial idm 1210

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Friday, 2nd September 2005, 03:22

Just found this at $179 (£100) in WalMart, getting very tempted by it. ;)

I quite like the Helpdesk people in a benevolent (as opposed to malevolent) way as they do some valuable work in preventing us being inundated by every halfwit who can work a phone.

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