Page 1 of I need a hack for technosonic dvdr2018 please help

Hack Help Forum

I need a hack for technosonic dvdr2018 please help

technosonic (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 29th January 2005, 16:04

Please can somenone out there give me a hack for technosonic dvdr2018.I i have a huge selection region 1 to watch.cheers...................lee

RE: I need a hack for technosonic dvdr2018 please help

Paul Clements (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 30th January 2005, 14:32

Yes and to add to the growing list of owners of this machine i will be seraching the web aswell any suggestions where to look would be helpful
purchased in boots january 2004
Paul :/

RE: I need a hack for technosonic dvdr2018 please help

technosonic (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 30th January 2005, 14:56

Hi Paul.I have just purchased this player in Jan 2005.I have had a look around the web but there doesn`t seem to be any hack.There are hacks for other technosonic players but not this one.

RE: I need a hack for technosonic dvdr2018 please help

Paul Clements (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 30th January 2005, 15:25

many thanks for your prompt response
in the meantime ill carry on using my daughters matsui!!!
by the way my machine will not put out a widescreen to my hitachi tv unless its on NTSC!!!!! via scart av2 or 1

RE: I need a hack for technosonic dvdr2018 please help

jeffers32 (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 20th February 2005, 20:10

hi i just acquired on of these machines for £100
does seem slow to operate
didi oyu manage to get a hack ?


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