Page 1 of Hack needed for Ingersoll portable DVD

Hack Help Forum

Hack needed for Ingersoll portable DVD

Huberto (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 28th November 2004, 18:23

I`m looking for a hack for the Ingersoll ING 36 portable DVD player available in the UK. Anyone got any info please? My children who are spending Christmas in New York would be eternally grateful. Cheers.

This item was edited on Sunday, 28th November 2004, 18:31

RE: Hack needed for Ingersoll portable DVD

panash (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 29th November 2004, 10:21

This unit looks like one of the Venturer portables, which have a common hack. Try

1 Open Tray
2 press 81328
3 press ENTER to scroll through regions select 9
4 as the remote has no enter key press MENU
5 Close the tray

which is posted at

Please post back if this was succesfull, they are £69 in Dixons at the moment, I`d buy if the hack works.


RE: Hack needed for Ingersoll portable DVD

Huberto (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 29th November 2004, 15:20

Thanks Panash

That worked a treat.

I bought 2 to keep the kids from arguing. Screen is small but fine if viewed close.

Thanks again

RE: Hack needed for Ingersoll portable DVD

panash (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 29th November 2004, 15:55

That really good.

Are you able to test a VCD?

Also, can I suggest that you visit vcdhelp & post your findings there, the hack & feature lists are widely read.



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