Page 1 of Can I make my DVD player play CD-R or even MP3 - It is a JMB DVD 3000

Hack Help Forum

Can I make my DVD player play CD-R or even MP3 - It is a JMB DVD 3000

nidgemo (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 18th April 2001, 11:51

Can I make my DVD player play CD-R or even MP3 - It is a JMB DVD 3000 and does not currently play anything on CD-R. If there is either a hack to enable this or even updates I can purchase on CD let me know (keeping in mind that the machine will not currently play CD-R i am not sure if a update on CD-R would work - it would have to be able to read it first (chicken ... egg!)

email replies to omegdin[at]ku.oc.eerftcennoc


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