Page 1 of TOSHIBA SD-100E- Can anyone help?

Hack Help Forum

TOSHIBA SD-100E- Can anyone help?

taylorjames (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 1st April 2001, 15:38

Can any of you guys help with providing the hack for the TOSHIBA SD-100E?

Anyone who can, please let me know and it will be gretly appreciated.



RE: TOSHIBA SD-100E- Can anyone help?

Steve Hoyle (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 1st April 2001, 17:18

All Toshiba players have to be chipped ... there are no remote hacks


RE: TOSHIBA SD-100E- Can anyone help?

casper (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 1st April 2001, 21:52

try, setup, then last, then skip back, then skip forward, this should take you to the loopholes menu. you mustnt have a dvd in when you do it though. do you know where i can get software that disenables macrovision?

RE: TOSHIBA SD-100E- Can anyone help?

Chris W (Competent) posted this on Monday, 2nd April 2001, 09:23

Ummm....isn`t that the Hitachi 505?

(For macro off version of that software go to the Irondukes site)

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